Monday, October 10, 2011

Fun Yard Sale Finds!

Saturday Mike and I were up early to get Taylor off to Cross Country.  We decided since we were up, we'd go hit a few garage sales.  We went to one around the corner and bought this rug for our living room.  It's a Turkish rug that supposedly cost a bajillion dollars, then the couple we bought it from bought it for only 1/2 a bajillion dollars.  They sold it to us for mere pennies.  Ok, $50.  So far so good...every once in a while it smells funny.  We're all hoping it's just "old rug smell".
(To the right of the rug is an old Ethan Allen headboard I bought at a thrift store a few weeks ago for $5.  I'm hoping to make a bench out of it one of these days.)
Here's a close up.  It's prettier in person.

After this house it was off to a retirement community and their annual yard sale.  I think we spent about an hour and a half there.  Getting good deals on stuff was almost as fun as talking with and watching the people.  It was a lot of fun and we bought lots of good stuff.

The lady I bought these from was sitting down knitting.  She just had one table set up at the end of her driveway.  She was selling old tablecloths and placemats.  Most for just 10 cents a piece. 
I bought this tea towel just cuz it was so weird.  There's no way it will match my kitchen, but doesn't everyone need to know how many calories a piece of cherry pie has?  Or how about a couple olives?  Or a hot dog.  It will come in handy I'm sure.

I thought the tablecloth with the poppies was pretty.  It reminds me of Italy and my friend, Rachel.  The tablecloth on the right I just bought cuz the lady went on and on about it.  "It's hand painted.  All done by hand.  There's even an autograph on it."  There's not.  And I don't think it was...but I bought it anyway because she was so sweet.

We have a collection of Oreo Christmas tins that we started when we first got married...but we don't have one from 1990.  THE year we got married.  I bought this just for the tin.  Anyone want some Origami paper?  I'll probably just give it to the kids.

The couple we bought this from was so cute.  "Honey, what's with all these 40 cent prices?  No, don't put it in the bag yet, I haven't added it up.  No, I already added those.  Don't count them again."

This couple was fun.  The lady was "selling all her husband's hoardings".  They really didn't have that much, but we enjoyed looking around.  The husband was sitting in the shed cuz he was cold, but did come out for a bit to help us pack up our finds. 
These are my finds.  The big fat jar for 50 cents.  Two Pfaltzgraff serving pieces for $2 each.  Mike got more manly finds from the husband's hoardings.

The couple we bought these from was great.  We got a couple dvds, these tiny Coke glasses + bonus glass for ONE dollar!  I also bought a NEW looking rag quilt that the lady hadn't finished because of tendonitis?  I only paid TWO dollars!  The fabric is a little on the UGLY side, but it looks NEW.  I'm thinking maybe the girls and I can finish it, then take it back to her!  When she asked, "How much are we up to now?"  We lied and told her a higher number cuz we felt like she was getting ripped off! 

This wooden spoon was carved by the man above.  The little rooster lamp & book from someone else.  Can't wait to try some recipes!

After the super fun yard sale we hit a thrift store.  We found one more Coke glass for Taylor and bought this not quite service for 8 dish set.  It matches our set, but we gave it to Taylor to save for her someday house.

We ended our morning with burritos from Eddie's Burritos.  Mmm. 

What did you do over the weekend??

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