Friday, February 7, 2014

the Last

The other night I drank my last Dr. Pepper.  I haven't been drinking much pop (Yes, I call it pop!) lately, but it sounded really good the other night.  You know what though?  It wasn't REALLY good!  Although it was the last one I had here in the house, I don't know if it will be the LAST one I ever have.  But I'm going to try hard not to have it often.

You know what else I think of when I read the word LAST?  

We recently started watching this on Netflix.  It's been fun so far.  I'm ready for spring so I can plant a garden!  (Ok, I'm not really ready for spring, but I am excited about this year's garden!)

Linking up to Jenny Matlock's Alphabe-Thursday.


  1. Glad you stopped drinking "pop" (that's what I call it, too) because it's one of the worst things in the world for you to ingest. I like the Alaska picture. One of the places I'd like to visit.

  2. I used to drink a lot of pop, and for some reason I just stopped for quite a while. I still have one occasionally, but never finish it. Rod calls this "grazing" because I put it in the fridge, where it stays until it gets flat and nasty. Eventually I will finish the case I bought 6 months ago, but it might take a while.

    We will have to check out the Alaska saga on Netflix. We've found a lot of good series there.

  3. Good luck on drinking less pop... I love an ice cold glass of Coca-Cola but I try to not drink a lot too!

    That is a really good show.

    I find it fascinating how they live off the land!

    Lovely post for the letter "L".

    Thanks for linking.

