Thursday, January 9, 2014


I can't believe it's already January 8!  I haven't posted here since Thanksgiving?!  I've been hanging out at home.  My parents were here for Thanksgiving and we had a great time.

A couple weeks later the big kids came home from college!  We took them out the day after they got home and picked a Christmas tree.  It was FREEEEEEZING, so the free hot chocolate was  very welcome!
{No, this wasn't the tree we ended up getting!}

There was cookie baking

Lots of crocheting

Snow watching

Snow blowing

Card making

Movie watching

Christmas readying

...and a whole lot of hanging out... HOME.  Our favorite place to be.

Be sure to check out more of Jenny Matlock's Alphabe-Thursday.


  1. Whew, it all looks like heavenly together time at home! :D

  2. Sounds like a very loving Xmas for you and your family ~ Great photos ~ Long winter since snow started in Dec ~ ah, tis New England ~ xxx

    Thanks for visiting and commenting ~ ^_^

  3. Looks like the same kind of holiday we had. It was perfect!

  4. I love this post! Lovely photos, just beautiful!

    What program do you use to write your blog address on your photos?

  5. what a sweet post. Looks like you had a great holiday! And what a bunch of snow - WOW {:-Deb

  6. Looks like all the ingredients for a lovely Christmas season! A happy 2014 to you:)

  7. That sounds like you had a fantastic time, as much as I would love to blog everyday I simply dont have the material and to be honestI dont have followers that would read it

  8. Wonderful photos, but LOVE the Xmas card shot! LOL

  9. Home is my favorite place to be too...

    There is no better way to spend the holidays!

    I haven't had a White Christmas in a really long time...

    I'm happy you shared yours with us!

    Thanks for linking to the letter "H".

