Friday, November 22, 2013

A is for Agelast

I'm a little late, but yesterday was the start of round EIGHT of Alphabe-Thursday!  A is for Agelast.

agelast (AJ-uh-last) noun
Someone who never laughs.

Can you imagine NEVER laughing?  I can't.  I love to laugh.  Here are a few videos and pictures to help you laugh too!

We had a huge collection of Disney Sing Along videos that we watched constantly when our two oldest were young.  Here's a clip from one:

We have a basset hound and this makes me laugh every time I see it.Running Basset Hound

This cracks me up.
Hahaha I just DIED!!

Laugh every day!!!!  It's so very important to truly living a happy life (o:

And just one more...

For more on the letter A, be sure to visit Jenny Matlock's Alphabe-Thursday.


  1. thanks for the cheers. I especially like the look of the basset hound, such an expression!

    have a great day.

  2. Wow!


    I have a word for most of my family members!

    I love, love, love it!

    I hope they don't have a dictionary handy when I squeeze this into a conversation - ha!

    Thanks for an amazing little link for the letter "A".

