You've probably seen crayon art all over the Pinterest. For a while it was ALL OVER. I don't see it much now, but it's still there. A few weeks ago, my daughter, Jenny, decided she wanted to do a craft, but couldn't decide what. Then she remembered we had canvases and LOTS of crayons, so crayon art it was.
Here is Jenny's go at crayon art. Did it work? I do think it did.
Here it is above her bed in her not quite finished room. She still needs curtains or a valance. See the green tape in the top right corner? We STILL need to paint her ceiling. More than a year in this house and her ceiling is still pink. (What's worse is, so is her brother's!)
For more Days of Life, go HERE.
Tell Jenny that Grandma loves her creative crayon art project! It turned out really good!