Friday, September 5, 2014


I love that I'm the only one that can hear at night.  I can hear noises like the dog wandering around looking for the door in the dark.  I lay there waiting to see if anyone else can hear.  Nope.  Just me.

I get up.

Use the bathroom.

Come out and can't find the dog.  She's wandered into the living room, still looking for the door.  I help her to the door, out the door, down the stairs, to the back yard and leave her to do her business.  For 30+ minutes!  She's decided it'd be a nice time to lay down and take a rest.  In the wet grass!  I come back to check on her later and find her up against the house between the grill and some chairs and behind some watering cans.  HOW she got there in the dark, I don't know, but she's finally ready to come in.

Did I mention this all began at 4 AM?!  Guess who is ready to go back to bed?  The dog!  Not me.  I'm wide awake now.

Here I sit, more than an hour later, surfing the internet, trying to find recipes for peaches because I need to know what to do with the peaches I have laying across my counter.  (You were wondering when the peaches were going to come in to the story, weren't you?)  By now I'm starving, but I can't do anything with the peaches yet because it will make too much noise.  Our bedroom and our daughter's bedroom are both right off the kitchen and somehow she and my husband can hear all sounds of cooking/baking, but NO sounds the dog makes?  Hmmm.  I think there is some selective hearing going on here!

Here are the peach recipes I found AND tried:


PEACHES 'N CREAM BARS From Sally's Baking Addiction - Delicious for breakfast!  ;)

FRESH SOUTHERN PEACH COBBLER found on - SO good warm with vanilla ice cream!  Funny story about this one - Earlier this summer we bought some peaches and decided to make cobbler.  I searched the internet and found this recipe, but forgot I'd made it.  Earlier this week I asked my husband to search the internet and find a recipe for the peaches we had left.  A couple days later I realized he'd found the exact recipe I'd found months earlier.  Out of all the recipes on all the internet, he found the same one!  We really are in love!  :)

PEACH SALSA  - From Purely Primal - SO GOOD!  I only got three jars made with this recipe.  I need to get out and buy more peaches so I can make more!

What is your favorite peach recipe??

Linking up to Jenny Matlock's Alphabe-Thursday.


  1. I wake up early far too often these days. Having said that, I do love those quiet morning hours.

    My favorite peace recipe has to be either cobbler or pie.


  2. I absolutely adore peach salsa! Try toping grilled salmon with it! Delicious! I have to admit that I have selective hearing when the dogs want to go out a 4 a.m.!!

  3. You're so funny!....but I do feel bad that you had to get up at 4 AM! I bought some elberta peaches yesterday and Dad and I split one tonight. It was yummy! Love you - Mom
